Illusion, named after Cesar Millan's wife, was given away by a pet shop. They didn't know what to do with her, since nobody wanted to buy her and she was growing past sell-able age. Nobody wanted to buy her as she was a mixed breed, and they didn't appreciate her color. We have now started calling her our own miniature Afgan Hound since she resembles one. Her owners have had her for close to a year now, and her fur length has remained the same. How could anyone not want such a beautiful and gentle dog. Illusion, you have found a happy home. God bless you.
Illusion is still learning commands like "watch me", "sit", "poop in the garden" and "stay"
Balding Illusion. Her mommy and daddy has never seen her bald. Since it is now heat season, it's best to shave her bald so that it's easier to find ticks, as well as keep her clean.
Illusion is still learning commands like "watch me", "sit", "poop in the garden" and "stay"
Balding Illusion. Her mommy and daddy has never seen her bald. Since it is now heat season, it's best to shave her bald so that it's easier to find ticks, as well as keep her clean.
Almost done...
A little more here...
Ear wax. Color of ear wax, should range from clear to yellow. Like the picture. If the wax is brown, ear mites are begining to develop. If it's black, there's an ear mite infestation. The next stage would be infection..
Daddy, very very happy that Illusion's bald! "Hooray, now it's easier to find ticks, bathe her, and less fur flying around the house!"
End result... Illusion, bald for the first time, feels naked and strange... Remember the first time you went bald? Feeling all light and airy?
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